Mudflow on Indonesian River Sweeps Homes

Banjir lahar dingin di Kali Putih (Fajar Sodiq | Solo)
Sumber :

VIVAnews - A river streaming through Magelang, Kali Putih, has been flooded by volcanic mudflow these past few days and causes its current to shift around 500 meters to the east. Magelang is a city in Central Java situated on the main area linking the province's capital (Semarang) and the ancient city of Yogyakarta.

VIVAnews monitors today that the mudflow is seen covering the Yogyakarta-Magelang highway by 700 meters in length and 1.5 meters in height. Several homes are severely inundated.

According to a witness, Hardani, the shift in river stream occurred last night. "People say that the river shifts to the old riverbed," said Hardani.

The shifted current has destroyed plenty of houses on the riverside causing dozens of people to seek refuge.


Coverage by: Fajar Sodiq | Solo
Translated by: Bonardo Maulana W

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