Oil and Gas Industry

Sharp Increase of LPG Consumption

VIVAnews - Pertamina informed that today's LPG consumption reaches 7,255 tons per day in line with the kerosene-to-gas conversion program.

"The consumption rate has sharply increased by almost 100 percent compared to it was before the program was launched," said Pertamina Corporate Secretary Toharso on Wednesday, Jan 7.

According to him, 3-kg LPG consumption reaches 3,500 per day, while non-subsidized LPG consumption reaches 3,755 tons per day.

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Toharso, the subsidized LPG consumption is expected to be higher than non-subsidized LPG consumption. "This year, it is estimated that LPG consumption reaches three million tons which consists of 1.6 million of subsidized LPG and 1.4 million of non-subsidized LPG," he said.
In addition, total LPG sales in 2008, he said, reached 1.85 million tons, where 600 thousand tons of the total amount were 3-kg LPG. "Especially in December 2008, the volume of subsidized LPG sales reached 97,589 tons while the nonsubsidized reached 105,337 tons," said Toharso.

Toharso went on to say that to anticipate the consumption hike, refineries for domestic or imported LPG, storage tanks, oil tankers, LPG Fuel Stations will be improved.

"In addition to Pertamina, infrastructure supplies also depend on permissions issued by, among others, regional government," he said.

According to Toharso, there are around 20-30 items of requirements that an entrepreneur must meet in order to build an LPG fuel station.

Translated by: Bonardo Maulana Wahono

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