Japan's Tsunami to Affect Coal Prices

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  • www.warwick.ac.uk

VIVAnews - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) said in a statement that the tsunami disaster which hit Japan last week may affect coal prices in Asia.

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The estimate can go right if the ongoing coal contract purchase between three Japan's main power enterprises and mining company Xstrata remains in the vague.

"[The deal] will affect coal prices in Asia," the Ministry stated in a press release today, March 14.

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The Ministry revealed that the main buyers of Australia's thermal coal include Japan's Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO), Tohoku Electric Power Co Inc, and Chubu Electric. 

However, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources figured that the deal may be delayed following the tsunami disaster in Japan. 

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Data from the Directorate General of Mineral and Coal at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources shows that Japan imported coal from Indonesia by 24 million tonnes, nearly 10 percent of Indonesia's total coal production in 2010 of 275 million tonnes. Japan's realized coal imports in 2010 hit 116.5 million tonnes. Indonesia supplied 20 percent out of the total amount. 

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