City Maintenance

750,000 Trucks of River Sedimentation

VIVAnews - Some rivers in Jakarta are subject to sedimentation. It is estimated that around nine million cubic meters of wasted materials and mud, which equal 750 thousand 12-cubic trucks, must be dredged up. 

Head of Jakarta Public Works Agency, Budi Widiantoro, said as quoted by the official website of Jakarta administration on Wednesday, Jan. 21, that two new dredgers from the Netherlands may unearth around 3,000 cubic meters of mud in two months.

Widiantoro was convinced that the dredgers as well as loans from the World Bank will help reduce the volume of garbage and mud.

Therefore, the Jakarta administration is preparing a tender of river dredging for 13 rivers in Jakarta which will be held by mid 2009 taking into account the loans that the World Bank will disburse amounting to US$150 million.

Widiantoro said that the tender is being prepared by the Department of Public Works. The Jakarta administration will team up with the central government to hold the tender.

Widiantoro stated that of the total loans of US$150 million, US$5 million will be utilized to purchase large dredgers. The remaining sum will be allocated for operational costs.

Eka Gumilar Berpotensi Besar Diusung PKS jadi Calon Bupati di Bandung Barat

Translated by: Bonardo Maulana Wahono

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