A Postmaster in Indonesia Tangerang Killed

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  • Reuters/Tomas Bravo

VIVAnews - A brutal killing took place in Tangerang having a postmaster at Cipondoh Post Office as its victim.

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Rahmat Santoso was found dead at his office on Monday night, Dec 5. Blood was seen all over his body. 

Muhidin, the first witness who spotted Rahmat's body, said the finding was a result of his suspicion over Rahmat's unusual working time. It was common that the late postmaster left the office at 5 p.m. 

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"I and several friends were suspicious that he was still working overtime. We finally broke into the office at around 7 p.m." Muhidin said.

Muhidin discovered that Rahmat's dead body was tied to a table. 

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"Probably, he had just become the victim of robbery," said Muhidin.

Rahmat's regular duty was to deliver daily income of the post office to Tangerang Head Post Office. Provided that Rahmat had not shown up, the Head Post Office sent several men to Rahmat's office.

"We're still investigating the case," said Chief of Cipondoh Police Department when asked about the incident. 

Total losses of the crime were not yet revealed. 


Coverage by: Muhammad Iyus | Tangerang

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