PDIP: Current Elections System Too Liberal

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Sumber :
  • Antara/ Arief Priyono

VIVAnews - Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) said the open-list propotional electoral system in Indonesia tends to impair the ideal parliamentary's representation of the people.  

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"We prefer open-list proportional representation system to the open-list liberal system," said PDIP spokesperson, Hasto Kristiyanto, today, in Bandun, west Java.   

The open-list system, said Hasto, intensifies rivalry among legislative candidates. 

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"Should the political liberalization prevail, we'll witness the fall of the nation in no time," said Hasto.

PDIP, he said, is willing to bring back the closed-list proportional system in terms of the elections.  

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During the Party's national working meeting, PDIP sets up the firm conditions and phases for its legislative candidates that they propose to the public. 

"We're offering the more open system on the candidates' recruitment while the elections system would be that of closed-list proportional system," he said.


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27 April 2024