
Bulog Welcomes Private Rice Exporters

VIVAnews - State logistic company Bulog welcomed a plan on rice exports by private company, especially companies that intend to join Bulog. Head of Bulog Mustofa Abubakar stated that the idea supports the success of rice exports plan.

"We are open if there is a private company that is willing to join," said Abubakar at the Finance Department on Tuesday, April 21. He said that he has no objection. "If the private [companies] export number is added, it will be better," he stated.

He further explained that shipping can be more flexible nowadays if compared with the time before the crisis. There are many ships idling due to the economic slowdown. Nevertheless, he mentioned that the joint exports quota can be done for efficiency.

"We can adjust," he said. Bulog is prepared to assist private companies which have small scale exports for an easy procurement.


Translated by: Ariyantri E. Tarman

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