3 Facts About Formula E Jakarta, Celebration Without Champagne

Pemenang Jakarta E-Prix Formula E Jakarta
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  • AP Photo /Achmad Ibrahim

VIVA – The Jakarta Formula E racing event on June 4, 2022 has ended. The race, which was held at the Jakarta International E-Prix Circuit, Ancol, was won by Mitch Evans, in second place by Jean-Eric Vergne, in third place by Edoardo Mortara. Public enthusiasm to see Formula E racing is very high.

Unexpectedly, many people came to watch Formula E through the giant screen at the Ancol Festival, Jakarta.

The award trophy for the first winner was given directly by the President of Indonesia, Joko Widodo. Meanwhile, the second and third place winners were handed over by the organizers.

Many people are still interested in Formula E even though this racing event has ended. 

It is because this race is a first for Jakarta. The race, which is the ninth series in the 2021-2022 World Championship Calendar, consists of 4 interesting facts during the Formula E event.

1. Watched by 60.000 People

According to a report received by the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan, the total number of visitors who watched Formula E Jakarta was around 60 thousand people. Where 20 thousand are on the circuit and 40 thousand are watching around Ancol using the large screen provided.

Anies Baswedan also appreciated a number of parties who collaborated to make this event run smoothly and successfully.

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2. Celebration Without Champagne

Celebrating a win is generally synonymous with opening a champagne. However, this habit did not happen in the Jakarta Formula E racing event.

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The absence of champagne as a celebration of victory is a form of adjustment to the local culture of the Formula E host country. Not only that, beer logos and the consumption of alcoholic beverages are also prohibited in Formula E Jakarta.

3. Considered an Event for the Future

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Formula E is an electric-powered racing event, so the President of Indonesia, Joko Widodo hopes that this event will introduce the public to electric cars. According to Joko Widodo, in the future, there will be a shift from current cars that use gasoline to electric cars.

Anies Baswedan's opinion is the same. He hopes that with the Formula E Jakarta event, the public can anticipate changes by using environmentally friendly electric-based vehicles.

Mantan gubernur Jawa Barat M Ridwan Kamil

Ridwan Kamil Tegaskan jika Maju Pilkada Jakarta Tidak Bergantung Keputusan Anies Baswedan

Ridwan Kamil menegaskan bahwa Anies Baswedan tidak memiliki hubungan dengan belum adanya penugasan partai kepada dirinya untuk maju pada Pilkada DKI Jakarta.

1 Juni 2024