Rest in Peace, Former President Fidel Valdez Ramos Dies at 94

Mantan Presiden Filipina, Fidel Valdez Ramos, meninggal dunia.
Sumber :
  • AP Photo.

VIVA – Former Philippine President Fidel Valdez Ramos died at the age of 94 on Sunday, July 31, 2022.

Mantan Presiden Filipina Fidel Valdez Ramos Meninggal Dunia

The exact cause of Ramos' death is not yet known, but according to one of his longtime aides, Norman Legaspi, Ramos has been in and out of hospital for the past few years because of a heart condition and suffering from dementia.

A retired Philippine Air Force officer and also a key staff member of Ramos for about 15 years also expressed his sadness at the departure of Ramos.

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According to Legaspi, several of Ramos' relatives were with him when he died at Makati Medical Center in metropolitan Manila.

"He is an icon. We lost a hero and I lost a father," Legaspi remarked.

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Press Secretary Trixie Cruz-Angeles visited to express condolences to the Ramos family.

"He left a colorful legacy and a safe place in history for his participation in major changes to our country, both as a military officer and chief executive," Trixie Cruz said in a statement.

Fidel Ramos

Photo :
  • vivanews

The former President of the Philippines, renowned for his visionary winning outlook, keen eye for detail, thumbs up and strong handshake, served as president from 1992 to 1998, succeeding democracy icon Corazon Aquino.

Fidel Ramos was a graduate of the prestigious West Point military academy in the United States, Ramos had a long career in the armed forces, including fighting against communist guerrillas, and was stationed in the Korean War as part of the Philippine contingent.

After that, he became a paramilitary commander of the Philippine Police; the main agency that enforced the brutal suppression of dissent after Marcos declared martial law in 1972.

After the 1986 "People Power" rebellion, Ramos assumed the presidency. At that time, an army-backed uprising and partly peaceful protests overthrew dictator Ferdinand Marcos, who was also Ramos' cousin.

This rebellion was also a sign of changing authoritarian regimes around the world.

Ramos won the 1992 presidential election and became the Roman Catholic nation's first Protestant president.

His position was marked by major reforms and efforts to dismantle telecommunications and other business monopolies, sparking a rare economic boom, cementing the image of the impoverished Southeast Asian nation and earning praise from business leaders and the international community.

Fidel Ramos became president of the Philippines and was considered one of the most effective presidents in the nation's history.

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