Jokowi: G20 Leaders Overwhelmed by Current Difficult Conditions

Presiden Jokowi saat membuka KTT G20 di Bali, Indonesia.
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VIVA – President Joko Widodo conveys that the world is facing difficult conditions. In the meeting at G20 Summit a while ago, President Jokowi concluded many G20 state leaders were overwhelmed to deal with these current conditions.

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“From the meeting of G20 yesterday, met the state leaders from the most GDP (Gross Domestic Product) countries in the world, I conclude that everyone is dizzy,” Joko Widodo remarked in the Annual Meeting of Bank Indonesia 2022, Jakarta, November 30, 2022.

Even Joko Widodo took the time to joke that the G20 leaders are growing wrinkles and their hair starting graying because they are busy thinking of solutions to deal with the current difficult situation. No one could predict how the global economy will be in the future.

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Suasana pertemuan KTT G20 di Bali

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  • Tangkapan layar Youtube Sekretariat Presiden

"Everyone is dizzy. I see the wrinkles on their face have increased, their hair here (pointing to the right side of his head) has become white (gray hair)," Jokowi said, and was greeted with laughter from the participants.

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"And indeed, the global situation is confirmed to be uncertain, it is complicated, difficult to calculate, difficult to predict," President Joko Widodo remarked.

Jokowi stated, for one commodity such as crude oil alone, no one can predict what the oil price will be next year. So, Jokowi assumes that darkness will cover next year.

"No one can calculate the predictions will be at what number is clear so that everything was dizzy. For example, just one oil price, who can determine it, I asked the big oil producers who could not predict it," Jokowi stated.

Deputi Gubernur BI, Juda Agung.

Forum Bank Sentral Asia Timur, BI Pamer Ekonomi RI Kuat di Tengah Ketidakpastian

Deputi Gubernur Bank Indonesia (BI), Juda Agung menyebut bahwa perekonomian Indonesia tetap kuat di tengah ketidakpastian global.

30 April 2024