Some Predictions of Terrible Natural Disasters in Indonesia

Ramalan Nostradamus
Sumber :
  • U-Report

VIVA – Mount Semeru in Indonesia has again erupted up to 7 kilometers. According to a report by the Geological Agency of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, the source of the hot cloud came from a pile of material at the end of a lava field located about 800 meters from the top of Jonggring Saloko Crater.

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Some time ago, predictions in Java about natural disasters made people curious and goosebumps. There is even one prediction that says Indonesia will experience a big natural disaster. Well, here's the explanation.

1. Jayabaya Prediction

Top Trending: Guru Gembul Bongkar Mitos Ramalan Jayabaya, Bisnis Air Selawat Untung Miliaran

Buku Jangka Joyoboyo.

Photo :
  • Dody Handoko

Jayabaya was a king from the kingdom of Kediri who was known for Jayabaya Prediction. The prediction said that there would be a period full of disasters such as erupting mountains, overflowing seas and rivers, and even the earth would also experience a terrible shock.

Guru Gembul: Jayabaya Tidak Pernah Menulis Ramalan!

It was a time of arbitrariness and indifference from the powerful and the oppressed. However, this era emerges after passing through the most severe period, this era is referred to as golden age and the Ratu Adil or Satrio Piningit will come.

2. Prediction from Raden Ngabehi Ronggowarsito

Makam Ronggowarsito di Klaten, Jawa Tengah.

Photo :
  • Dody Handoko

Raden Ngabehi Ronggowarsito was a great poet and came from the Solo Palace. He once predicted that the kalabendu era would come, in which there would be conflict and hostility among the components of the nation due to divide and conquer.

In fact, he also predicted that the era would occur in 1997 until the defeat ended in 2025. During this time, it is said that the rulers will be at odds with each other and the people will be increasingly miserable.

3. Prediction from Mbak You

Mbak You.

Photo :
  • Instagram @mbakyou

Before she passed away, Mbak You predicted that in 2022 there would be many natural disasters, including volcanic eruptions. In fact, mountains that were previously inactive will become active and erupt. Some floods continue to hit, so the soil pores cannot absorb water.

4. Prediction from Baba Vanga

Baba Vanga.

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  • U-Report

Baba Vanga once predicted that in 2022 there would be many natural disasters and unexpected political changes. One of the predictions is a deadly virus that causes many people to die. Then, the water supply will decrease because the human population continues to increase throughout the year.

5. Prediction from Roy Kiyoshi

Roy Kiyoshi

Photo :
  • Tangkapan layar youtube/ OPRA Entertainment

Natural disasters will occur in 2022 according to Roy Kiyoshi's indigo child. He once said that there will be natural disasters related to water, this disaster could be flooding, high rainfall, or possibly a tsunami.

6. Prediction from Tigor Otadon

Buku ramalan Nostradamus.

Photo :
  • Wikipedia

In addition, there is also an indigo child named Tigor Otadon who once predicted that in 2022 there would be a terrible big disaster. He said that there were three mountains with the initials M, A, and O that would erupt at the end of 2022. These initials are not necessarily the beginning of the word or name of the erupting mountain.

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