Goods Donation by Daewoong-Kofice for People with Disabilities

Donation Handover Ceremony by Daewoong Pharmaceutical and KOFICE
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  • Press Release

VIVA – In support of improving the medical and educational environment, Daewoong Pharmaceutical and Korea Foundation International Cultural Exchange (KOFICE) donated goods to Indonesian education institutions for people with disabilities on December 13, 2022.

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Then, on December 12, 2022, Daewoong Pharmaceutical and KOFICE held a donation ceremony at two special education institutions in Jakarta, Indonesia, namely "Purba Adhika school" and "Malika Center" by sending AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication) picture books, multimedia devices, musical instruments, and Korean Culture Kits.

Daewoong Pharmaceutical donated 240 AAC picture books to help people with developmental disabilities communicate their symptoms. KOFICE delivered multimedia devices such as TVs and laptops to improve the educational environment for people with developmental disabilities, musical instruments for recreational therapy, and 240 'K-Culture Kits' consisting of traditional Korean games and toys.

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Teachers explain about the picture books given by Daewoong-KOFICE

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  • Press Release

This joint social contribution is the combined result of Daewoong Pharmaceutical's desire to fulfill its social responsibility as a Korean company entering Indonesia to improve the quality of life of Indonesians, and KOFICE's desire to continue the positive influence of 'Hallyu' in Indonesia.

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"It is meaningful to work with Daewoong Pharmaceutical in Indonesia, where 'Hallyu' is very popular, ahead of the 50th anniversary of Korea-Indonesia diplomatic relations next year. We are honored to provide opportunities for people with developmental disabilities in Indonesia to experience Korean culture and arts while helping to improve their educational and medical environments," KOFICE President Kilhwa Jung said.

"KOFICE will continue to support people in Indonesia to improve their lives for the better through culture and arts," he added.

As part of global ESG management, Daewoong Pharmaceutical has been conducting the 'Say Pain!' campaign since May to help people with developmental disabilities express their symptoms of illness in Indonesia. 'Say Pain!' is the global campaign name for "Chamji-Mayo", Daewoong Pharmaceutical's social contribution activity in Korea that has been conducted since 2019.

Daewoong Pharmaceutical plans to expand the 'Say Pain!' campaign in Indonesia to increase the independence of people with developmental disabilities so that they can go to the doctor and pharmacist by themselves.

Meanwhile, the CEO of Daewoong Pharmaceutical, Seng-ho Jeon said that his party hopes that the donation with KOFICE can contribute to improving the quality of life of people with disabilities.

"We hope that this donation with KOFICE can contribute to improving the quality of life of people with developmental disabilities in Indonesia. Daewoong Pharmaceutical will continue to develop the 'Say Pain!' campaign until everyone with communication problems, including those with developmental disabilities, can receive medical services independently." Seng-ho Jeon explained.

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