President Jokowi Makes Working Visit to Australia, Papua New Guinea

Presiden Jokowi di Halim Perdana Kusuma jelang keberangkatan ke Australia
Sumber :
  • Biro Pers, Media dan Informasi Sekretariat Presiden

VIVA – The Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) on Monday did a working visit in Australia and Papua New Guinea.   

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“Today, I, accompanied by limited entourage, will kick off two-days working visit in Sydney, Australia and one-day working visit in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea,” the President said in his press statement before taking off to Sydney, Australia from the Halim Perdanakusuma Airport Air Force Base in Jakarta.

President also said that both countries that will be visited are not only friendly countries, but also strategic partners for Indonesia in Pacific region.

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“This working visit has strategic values for Indonesia,” President Widodo added.

Presiden Jokowi di Halim Perdana Kusuma jelang keberangkatan ke Australia

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  • Tangkapan layar Youtube Sekretariat Presiden
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In Australia, the Head of State will meet Prime Minister of Australia Anthony Albanese and attend the series of the 2023 Indonesia-Australia Annual Leaders’ Meeting (ALM). In 2022 the meeting was held in Bogor, West Java province of Indonesia.

In addition, President Jokowi will also meet Governor-General of Australia David Hurley and Australia’s business players who have invested and will invest in Indonesia.

“Several agenda will be discussed in Australia including investment, trade considering that the value of investment and trade of Australia in Indonesia has increased drastically. Health, energy transition, and human resources sectors will also be discussed,” the President said.

On July 5, 2023, President Jokowi was scheduled to continue his working visit in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.

“In addition to fulfill invitation from Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea James Marape, I will also meet Governor-General of Papua New Guinea Sir Bob Dadae and attend the first business forum between Indonesia and Papua New Guinea,” he remarked.

The President and his limited entourage were slated to arrive in Indonesia on July 6, 2023.

Menteri Agraria dan Tata Ruang/Kepala Badan Pertanahan Nasional (ATR/BPN), Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY)

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8 Juni 2024