Minister Targets Over 140,000 People Switch to Use LRT Jabodebek

LRT Jabodebek, Ujicoba Terbatas
Sumber :
  • VIVA/M Ali Wafa

Jakarta – The Indonesian Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi expected that the LRT Jabodebek will encourage people to leave private vehicles and use this new public transportation.

He even targeted 140,000 people who will switch to using LRT Jabodebek. So, it can reduce the number of traffic jams on the road.

"We expect at least 140,000 people to start moving to this LRT," Minister Sumadi said at Dukuh Atas LRT Station, Jakarta, on Wednesday.

The minister emphasized that this is an effort to intensify public transportation modes. This is in line with other similar efforts, such as adding MRT line routes to the construction of LRT.

Menteri Perhubungan Budi Karya Sumadi Ujicoba Terbatas Naik LRT Jabodebek

Photo :
  • VIVA/M Ali Wafa

He also emphasized the government's commitment to continue developing mass transportation modes in Jakarta to reduce the density of private vehicles on the streets that cause congestion.

"This is to intensify mass transportation. Since becoming Governor of Jakarta, President Joko Widodo has done this and now we are also doing it consistently."

In addition to building LRT Jabodebek to Bekasi to Harjamukti and Bogor later, the Minister of Transportation ensured that the MRT capacity will also increase to the north, east, and west.

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With this mass transportation, Minister Budi Karya Sumadi hopes that it will be able to reduce the number of private vehicle users because mass transportation has various advantages if used for community mobility.

"We hope that the various modes of mass transportation will divert private vehicle users to public transportation modes which are more efficient, faster, easier," he expected.

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LRT Jabodebek.

Tarif Normal LRT Jabodebek Mulai Berlaku 1 Juni 2024, Maksimal Capai Rp 20.000

Tarif normal LRT Jabodebek akan diterapkan mulai 1 Juni 2024, dan otomatis mengakhiri masa berlaku tarif promo yang telah berlangsung sejak 22 Oktober hingga 31 Mei 2024.

31 Mei 2024