Donald Trump Charged for Trying Overturn the 2020 Election Results

Donald Trump tiba di pengadilan New York
Sumber :
  • The Guardian

Washington –  The former President of the United States, Donald Trump on Tuesday was indicted by a federal grand jury in a Justice Department investigation for trying to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election.

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The 45-page indictment accuses Trump of conspiring to defraud the United States, obstructing justice, and conspiring to prevent others from exercising their constitutional rights. 

Six people are named as Trump's co-conspirators, but their names are not mentioned.

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This is the third legal indictment since Trump resigned as US president. The previous two cases he faced were in the State of Florida regarding allegations that he unlawfully retained state documents and attempted to obstruct the work of investigators.

Donald Trump tiba di pengadilan New York

Photo :
  • CBS News
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The other case, which arose in New York, involved a joke payment to an adult film star. However, the indictment filed on Tuesday is the most serious legal case Trump has ever faced.

Special prosecutor Jack Smith is leading the investigation into Trump and the former US president's political allies. Smith and his team are also investigating Trump's efforts to prevent President Joe Biden from taking office after winning the 2020 US presidential election.

In the presidential election that took place in November 2020, Biden won over Trump by a margin of seven million votes. The grand jury indictment repeatedly states that Trump "knowingly" sought to mislead the American people by suggesting that a peaceful transfer of power to Biden would not occur.

Trump also "continued to pursue unlawful means to reduce the number of valid votes and corrupt the election results."

"Despite losing, the accused still wanted to be in power. Therefore, for more than two months after election day on November 3, 2020, the defendant spread various lies," the jury said.

The lies mentioned by the grand jury were that Trump claimed there was fraud that affected the election results and that he won.

In response to the indictment, Trump immediately stated that the case was "nothing more than a rotten chapter in the latest efforts of the Biden Crime Family".

According to Trump, the Biden family and the US Department of Justice continue to try to interfere in the 2024 presidential election, "because President Trump is undeniably the strongest candidate."

Smith urged Americans to read the charging documents against Trump for themselves. He also promised a speedy trial "so that the evidence we have can be tested in court and judged by a civilian jury."

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