Myanmar's Problem Can Be Solved If All Stakeholders Help, Jokowi Says

Presiden Jokowi Hadiri HUT ke-56 ASEAN
Sumber :
  • Sekretariat Presiden

Jakarta – The Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said the problem in Myanmar can be solved if all parties have the same political will. According to him, the Myanmar problem must be solved because it involves humanity.

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"It can happen if all stakeholders in Myanmar are willing, and have the same will to solve this problem. If not, it will be very difficult," The Head of State said in Jakarta on Tuesday. 

The President acknowledged that Myanmar's situation is still a challenge. Therefore, ASEAN continues to assist Myanmar from the Five Point Consensus. "However, we must also realize that this situation can be resolved if there is political will throughout Myanmar,"

Penyebab Raibnya Foto Jokowi di Kantor PDIP Sumut Terungkap, Kini Sudah Terpasang Lagi

Presiden Jokowi Hadiri HUT ke-56 ASEAN

Photo :
  • Sekretariat Presiden

According to him, the problem in Myanmar must be resolved immediately because it involves humanity. Indeed, the reality is not easy and the problems in Myanmar are very complex.

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"This conflict is not a problem of 1 with 2, but with 3, with 4, with 5. So it takes time," President Widodo remarked. 

In addition, the 43rd ASEAN Summit to be held in Jakarta in September 2023 is a strong foundation for ASEAN, he added. 

"As chair, Indonesia wants to lay a strong foundation for ASEAN. Thus, ASEAN can face challenges and respond to dynamics and play a central role," he concluded. 

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