Mount Rinjani Closed for Climbing from January to March, 2024

Evakuasi pendaki dan wisatawan yang terjebak di Gunung Rinjani
Sumber :
  • ANTARA FOTO/Akbar Nugroho Gumay

Lombok – Mount Rinjani in Lombok will be closed for Climbing from January to March, 2024.  The closure is aiming to ecosystem restoration in the Rinjani area.

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The Mount Rinjani National Park Office (BTNGR) through Announcement Letter Number: PG.2051/BTNGR/TU/KSA/12/2023 explained that not only for  ecosystem restoration, the cause of closure is because West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) is currently experiencing a transition from the dry season to the rainy season.

Panorama puncak Gunung Rinjani terlihat dari Desa Sapit, Kecamatan Suela, Lombok Timur, NTB

Photo :
  • ANTARA FOTO/Ahmad Subaidi
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So, it has the potential to bring  hydrometeorological disasters such as heavy rain and strong winds which can cause landslides, floods and even tornadoes.

Dedy Asriady, Head of BTNGR said all climbing routes were closed. These routes are the Senaru, Torean, Sembalun, Timbanuh, Tetebatu and Aik Berik routes.

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"Closed from January 1 to March 31 2024," Asriady stated.

Apart from climbing routes, the natural tourist destination of Mount Rinjani Tourist Park is also closed from December 8, 2023 to March 31, 2024.

The tourist attractions that are closed are Jeruk Manis Waterfall in Sikur District, Mayung Polak Waterfall in Timbanuh and Mangku Sakti Waterfall.

However, there are several tourist locations in Mount Rinjani National Park that are still open, such as Otak Kokok Joben, Joben Eco Park, Telaga Biru Perian Village, Tereng  Wilis, Ulem-Ulem, Mount Kukus, Tangkok Adeng, Malang Hill, Propok Savana, Sebau, Gedong Hill, Sembalun Lawang Bike Track and Bomong Bike Track Bike Park.

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