Police Reveals Cause of Tegal Karaoke Place Fire that Killed 6

Kebakaran rumah Karaoke di Tegal, Jawa Tengah, 6 orang tewas
Sumber :
  • Teguh Joko Sutrisno

Tegal – Head of Public Relations of the Central Java Regional Police, Police Commissioner Stefanus Satake Baru revealed on Wednesday the cause of the fire at the New Orange karaoke venue in the city of Tegal, Central Java.

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"The cause is due to a short circuit in the electrical current in the prayer room of the building," Bayu said on Wednesday.

Bayu further explained that initially, the fire originated from the prayer room on the third floor. Then, the fire began to spread to flammable materials. 

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Petugas evakuasi korban kebakaran karaoke di Tegal, Jawa Tengah

Photo :
  • Dok Polda Jateng

Six people died in this incident, all of them were karaoke hosts.

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"The ignition of flammable materials such as plastic, wood, carpet, and foam due to a short circuit in the electrical current and the connection of the exhaust fan motor to the main electrical installation cable caused the initially small fire to become large, resulting in a fire," Bayu explained.

As information, the fire occurred at the New Orange karaoke venue in Tegal, Central Java. The incident took place on Monday, January 15, at 8 a.m. local ttime. 

A total of 9 people became victims, with 6 of them losing their lives, while 3 others are being treated in the hospital.

Most of the deceased victims came from West Java, such as Cirebon, Purwakarta, and Padalarang. In addition, there are also victims from Tegal and Pemalang in Central Java.

Bayu, informed that a team from the forensic laboratory (Labfor) of the Central Java Regional Police has been deployed to the location.

"The Labfor team of the Central Java Regional Police has been deployed to ascertain the cause of the fire," Bayu concluded.

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