Juanda, Adi Sumarno Airports Prepare Fast Track for Hajj Pilgrims

Pemberangkatan 220 orang calon jamaah umrah dari Bandara Internasional Juanda
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Jakarta – The Director General of Hajj and Umrah Organization, Hilman Latief conveyed about preparations for the 2024 Hajj pilgrimage.

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According to Latief, besides Soekarno Hatta Airport in Tangerang, Banten, Juanda Airport in Surabaya and Adi Sumarmo Airport in Solo are ready to implement the Macca Road service for Hajj pilgrims.

It means around 120,000 Indonesian Hajj pilgrims will enjoythe Macca Road service, commonly known as the fast track.

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"We are preparing services that can be accessed by pilgrims for the Macca Road or thariq Makkah and the results of this visit are positive. These three airports are ready to be used for the Macca Road," Latief said in Jakarta, on Thursday.

Dirjen Penyelenggaraan Haji dan Umrah (PHU) Hilman Latief

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Putri Akbar Tandjung Daftar Bakal Calon Wali Kota Solo Melalui Partai Gerindra

According to Latief, the delegation from the Saudi Ministry of Hajj, led by Deputy Minister of Hajj for Pilgrimage Affairs, Muhammad Abdulrahman M. Al Bejawi, appreciated the preparations made by Indonesia.

However, Latief admitted that there are some details that need to be further prepared.

"Especially with our partners for the Macca Road services both in Surabaya and Solo, which will be utilizing this service for the first time," Latief remarked.

He also mentioned that besides serving 120,000 regular Hajj pilgrims, the Macca Road service this year will also be tested for special Hajj pilgrims.

"So, from various discussions with the Saudi Ministry of Hajj, they have also promoted the Macca Road service to special Hajj pilgrims," Latief expressed. 

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6 Juni 2024