Cara Unik Pelatih Kebugaran Bantu Klien Kuruskan Badan

Adonis Hill dan Alissa Kane
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Lima Cara Makan Ini Bantu Turunkan Berat Badan
- Seorang pelatih kebugaran bernama Adonis Hill dari New York melakukan hal yang unik untuk membantu kliennya mengurangi berat badan. Ia memutuskan membuat badannya gemuk agar sang klien merasa bersalah dan  bisa menguruskan badannya.

Kisah Sukses Pria Probolinggo, Pilih Berdagang daripada PNS
Adonis naik 31 kilogram dalam hitungan bulan dalam upayanya untuk mengurangi berat badan kliennya bernama Alisa Kane yang berprofesi sebagai guru sekolah. Alisa mempunyai berat badan 140 kilogram.

Dari Bisnis Online, Pria 25 Tahun Bisa Beli Rumah dan Mobil
Sang pelatih makan 8.000 kalori perhari untuk menaikkan berat badannya. Ia juga tidak perah berolahraga selama manaikan berat badannya. Ia makan makanan restoran cepat saji burger, donat, pizza, hot dog, kue dan minuman bersoda setiap hari

Dokter akhirnya mengatakan kepada sang pelatih bahwa ia harus berhenti menggemukkan badan karena membuat jantungnya dalam bahaya, seperti dilansir laman Telegraph. 

Setelah itu, sang pelatih bertemu dengan sang guru dan membuat sang guru menjadi merasa bersalah karena berat badan pelatihnya menjadi bertambah. 

"Alissa merasa tidak enak kepada saya,' tulis Hill pada akun Instagramnya. "Dia menangis!"

308 lbs vs 251 lbs in 4 months. Happy #MotivationalMonday So proud of you champ (@alissabethkane) for staying focused & Respecting The Process! It's about losing weight the HEALTHY WAY! #ThisIsJustTheBeginning By @alissabethkane via @RepostWhiz app: It entertains me when people say "she's still fat" or "she hasn't lost any weight"...really??? Christmas 2014 -> Christmas 2015. Yes I'm still working on it and yes I still consider myself fat, but come on...I had four months and I lost 57lbs, just shy of 60lbs. No one can lose 120lbs overnight. As Adonis said "this isn't going to be easy. It's ok for this to be hard" . I'm going to keep on fighting for my goals cause a pound is a pound no matter how it gets lost, 10lbs at a time. I'm doing this for me and I'm doing this for all the people who had a bad day and are trying to get back on and couldn't find the energy. I just got home from Cancun and tomorrow is my day, join me! (#RepostWhiz app) You are doing great! You will face your greatest opposition when you are closest to your biggest miracle. — Shannon L. Alder #EvenJesusHadDoubtersKeepPushing _______________________________ Staying On Track with Your Goals Setting realistic goals and tracking your progress are key to your success. In fact, research has shown that those who keep track of their behaviors are more likely to take off weight and keep it off. A reasonable rate of weight loss is 1 to 2 pounds per week. It's about an ongoing lifestyle that includes long-term changes in daily eating and exercise habits. To lose weight, you must use up more calories than you take in. Since one pound equals 3,500 calories, you need to reduce your caloric intake by 500—1000 calories per day to lose about 1 to 2 pounds per week.May 15, 2015 YOUR TURN! YOU GOT THE JUICE NOW #FitToFatToFit #Aetv #AdonisMovesAmerica and then...... YOUR COUNTRY! #itsYouVsYOU #GodBless WE ARE ALL IN THIS 2GETHER!

A photo posted by Adonis "No Excuses" Hill (@bodybyadonis) on Feb 22, 2016 at 2:19pm PST

Rasa bersalah tersebut terbukti berhasil membuat sang guru ingin mengurangi berat badannya. Akhirnya Hill dan Kane mulai latihan bebas, diet, dan cardio dengan jogging lima atau enam kali seminggu. 

Setelah latihan selama empat bulan mereka telah mencapai tujuannya dengan mengurangi berat badan sekitar 25,8 kilogram (pelatih) dan 26,3 kilogram (klien).

"Coba tebak?" tulis Hill di bawah foto dalam latihannya. "Anda mungkin tidak akan percaya, tapi Alissa adalah motivasi saya juga."

#bbaResults #tbt #2015 All In One Year from left to right/top to bottom! Wtf was I thinking right? And Why? I'll tell you Why! Let's start by saying: "Life is crazy af"! But I can tell you this one thing for sure ... An important part of living a happy and fulfilling life includes being part of a close-knit community where you can share, help and support people you care about. It also includes being kind to strangers, and learning to replace envy and anger with understanding and empathy. It's all about HELPING those in need "BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY" (MX voice) I can't front a trainer it's easy to get all wrapped up in fixing your own body that you forget about helping others reach their goals. For me, when I say goals ... Goals are way past just the physical. And while its important to put yourself first, its even more important to help others whenever you can. Being generous isn’t even always about altruism – becoming more generous and compassionate will have real tangible benefits in your own life. My life is so poppin because I actually give a damn about other people.... I'm telling you it's a high like no other. You gotta try this approach to life sometime #PuffPuffGive (source: KeepInspiring) #WeAreALLInThis2gether _______________________________________ I don’t want to live in the kind of world where we don’t look out for each other. Not just the people that are close to us, but anybody who needs a helping hand. I cant change the way anybody else thinks, or what they choose to do, but I can do my bit. -Charles de Lint #ButImGOINGtoChangeYourMindset1st #MentalTrainingBeforePhysicalTraining #OnlyALifeLivedForOthersIsALifeWorthwhile YOUR TURN! YOU GOT THE JUICE NOW #AdonisMovesAmerica and then...... #RespectTheProcess #itsYouVsYOU #GodBless FREE WORKOUTS: @flyfituniversity #FITtoFATtoFIT on @aetv every Tuesday 10/9c and check out my episode and all past episode on #Aetv on demand or download the app (commercial man voice) lol cc: ??MY CHAMP: @alissabethkane ??

A photo posted by Adonis "No Excuses" Hill (@bodybyadonis) on Feb 18, 2016 at 5:56pm PST

Ihsanudin Fanani

Tips Sukses Jalani Usaha Kecil dari Pengusaha Sepatu

Setiap harinya, ia mampu menjual sekitar 500 pasang sepatu

9 Agustus 2016