Human Rights

Musdah Granted Yap Thiam Hien Award

VIVAnews - Siti Musdah Mulia was awarded Yap Thiem Hien Award of 2008. Siti is deemed successful in advocating the rights of minor groups such as the Ahmadiyah sect, and gays and lesbians.

Kisah Inspiratif, Jatuh Bangun Kesuksesan Konten Kreator Mompreneur Sherly Ocktavia

"Siti is a remarkable woman who dares to defend equality," said award committee member Todung Mulya Lubis on Wednesday, Dec 10.

Yap Thiem Hien Award is named after an Indonesian defender of Human Rights Yap Thiam Hien. Hien, once a member of the 1995 Konstituante, was renowned as a relentless fighter and had inspired individuals to continue to uphold human rights without regard of one's religion, political stance, or cultural background.

Since Siti is still in Mecca for hajj pilgrimage, the award was given to her family. However, she did comment about the award. She stated that she had never wished for any award. "I have never imagined of being granted with any award in my struggle," said Siti.

The committee evaluated that Siti had fought for equality, as Yap once did. "Siti has been defending the rights of the minorities at the frontline. In this case, she's been defending Human Rights," said Todung.

Several figures that have been granted the award include Haji Muhidin, Jhony Simanjuntak, HJC Princen (1992), Marsinah (1993) and Widji Tukul (2002).

Respons Gibran soal Prabowo Mau Libatkan Megawati saat Menyusun Kabinet

Translated by: Bonardo Maulana Wahono

Mendagri Tito Karnavian

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Menteri Dalam Negeri Tito Karnavian mewanti-wanti KPU RI agar tak ada kebocoran data pemilih pada Pemilihan Kepala Daerah (Pilkada) 2024 ke pihak yang tidak berwenang.

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