Public Education

Jails Allow Teaching and Learning Programs

VIVAnews - A jailhouse is no longer a place of terrors and intimidation. Convicts can now engage in studies. Former Minister of Marine and Fisheries Rokhmin Dahuri is a thesis counsellor for his students.

"Pak Rohmin is still enlisted as a lecturer at the Bogor Institute of Agriculture. We do not restrict one's potentials. Therefore, if there is student asking for a consultation, it will be allowed," said Director General of Penitentiary, Untung Sugiono, on Tuesday, Jan 13.

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Dahuri is imprisoned due to corruption case on non-budgetary fund collection at the Department of Marine and Fisheries. The case caused the state Rp 15 billion (approx. US$1.35 million).

Dahuri is not the only person who is given the permission. "If there is anyone else doing such a beneficial activities, it could be implemented [in other prisons]," said Sugiono.

Almost all prisons have provided courses for the convicts. The program is called learning and teaching program (PKBM). In the PKBM, package A is available for those that did not graduate from Elementary School; package B is for those who did not graduate from Junior High School; and package C is for those who did not graduate from Senior High School.

Cipinang Prison is way ahead. Collaborating with the Faculty of Law at Bung Karno University, convicts and prison employees can join law classes. In Bekasi and Yogyakarta, prisoners gained their diploma and bachelor degrees from local prisons.

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Translated by: Bonardo Maulana Wahono

Anak tantrum.

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28 April 2024