Legislative Elections

SBY's Son Promises Improved Farmers' Welfare

VIVAnews - President Susilo Bambang Yuhyono's son, Edhie Baskoro, is heading to East Java. He is campaigning to become one of the candidates in the legislative elections in April 2009. 

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"Ibas," Edhie Baskoro's nickname, is a legislative candidate from the Democratic Party for electoral region 7 of East Java which covers Trenggalek, Ponorogo, Magetan, and Ngawi.

Ibas said that he is interested in joining the parliament to fight for the people of East Java. He is also expected to aid his father to be re-elected as President of Indonesia for the 2009-2014 period.

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On press conference this past Sunday night, Ibas mentioned a few of his missions and visions as a legislative candidate. One of it was to fight for the farmers' welfare in his electoral region. "80 percent of the voters are farmers," said he. He promised that he will fix the irrigation and farming infrastructure in the specific area.

The question on his being the second son of the President, he answered with a smile, "Everything is a gift. There are pros and cons," said he. "The final result, elected or not, it depends on the people who vote."

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The young man who was born in Bandung on 1980 hopes that the legislative elections will run smoothly. "That it won't be tainted by unhealthy competition," he added.

Translated by: Ariyantri E. Tarman

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28 April 2024