Forest Fire

500 Hectares Burned in Aceh

VIVAnews - The fire still ablaze in the Johan Pahlawan sub-district, Aceh Barat regency, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. Since Monday, 16 February, there around 500 hectares have burned down. The cause of the forest fire has not been discovered. The authorities are still investigating.

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Based on the information quoted from the The National Disaster Management Agency website on Friday, 20 February, to prevent the spreading of the fire to local residential areas, the West Aceh Disaster Management Unit and local residents made gutters around their residences.

Aside from causing damage to hundreds of hectares of land, it has forced 200 families to evacuate the area. The Disaster Management Unit has already built refugee tents, and handed out instant food and staples to the refugees. The local community health center (Puskesmas) is ready to provide health services to the people.

Virzha Kembali, Lagukan Kisahnya Melalui Perjalanan

The refugees need gas masks to protect them from the smoke.

They also need more fire engines on the field because currently there are only two units.

Bus Rombongan SMK Depok Terguling di Subang, Puluhan Wali Murid Cemas Datangi Sekolah

Forestry Minister, MS Kaban and Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam governor, Irwandy Jusuf, have visited the location on Thursday, Feb. 19.


Translated by: Ariyantri E. Tarman

Engage In Vengeance (EIV)

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