Episode 5

Have You Ever

During the program you will listen to a conversation where Emmy Andrea and Dan discuss their experience travelling and trying new food.   You will recognize the use of present perfect tense to talk about a non-specific time in the past and the use of simple past to talk about specific times in the past.  You will also hear the use of the word “ever” to phrases they use to describe objects, places, people and actions.  You will get to call in and answer basic questions about the dialogue and try to use the new vocabulary you learned.

Perkuat Sektor Jasa Keuangan, OJK Gandeng Asosiasi Profesi

By the end of this show you will be able to discuss your past experiences using both the present perfect tense and simple past.

The followings are the answers for the episode 4:

Anwar Fuady Mau Nikah di Usia 77, Begini Respons Anak-anaknya

1. Emmy had a hard time remembering words F

2. Dan was tired because he hasn’t been eating vegetables F

3. When you are “foggy headed” you can’t remember things very well. T

4. Andrea starts a game to help Emmy’s memory F

6. Before Dan met with Emmy and Andrea he was:

A. Talking with Pak Maladi

B. Riding his motorbike

C. At the supermarket


7. When a word is on “the tip of your tongue” you:

A. Can’t stop saying it.

B. Don’t know what it means.

C. Can’t quite remember it.


8. When you jog your memory you:

A. Go running to wake up

B. Use something to help you remember

C. Forget things easily.


9. To recall something means you:

A. Forgot something.

B. Eat lots of vegetables.

C. Remember something.

Ditanya Gabung Kabinet Prabowo, Anies Bungkam karena Takut Dibilang Geer
Syahrul Yasin Limpo (SYL), Jalani Sidang Perdana

Saksi Ungkap Kaca Mata SYL Dibeli Pakai ‘Uang Haram’ Kementerian Pertanian

Staf Biro Umum Pengadaan Kementerian Pertanian RI, Muhammad Yunus turut dihadirkan dalam sidang lanjutan kasus korupsi di Kementerian Pertanian RI dengan terdakwa Syahrul

29 April 2024