New SOE Expected to Manage Hospitals

VIVAnews - The government sees some possibilities to establish a state-owned enterprise (SOE) specially managing hospitals because there are 60 hospitals having total capacity of 6,000 rooms that now are under the management of several SOEs.

SOEs Secretary M Said Didu stated on Monday, April 27 that the ministry is worried that if the hospitals are still under the existing SOE's management, there will be moral hazard. "If [the hospital] is privately managed, it's possible that their relatives can have treatment for free," he said.

Didu explained that the said SOE can be established by uniting all hospitals run by state-owned company under one committee.

A similar thing had been implemented when the government wanted to establish a SOE on aviation to fuse all aviation companies in Indonesia.


Translated by: Ariyantri E. Tarman

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