Side Effects for Drinking Coffee: May Trigger Heart Attack

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  • The Sun

VIVA – The scientist has reminded all of the coffee drinkers, a glass of coffee in the morning may trigger a heart attack. The natural chemicals in coffee have previously been linked to higher levels of cholesterol in the blood, a risk factor for heart problems, including stroke.

Consumption of espresso coffee significantly related to higher blood cholesterol levels, the researchers said. Three to five espressos a day is the point at which cholesterol levels rise, compared to zero espressos/day.

The effect was stronger on men than women, according to findings published in the journal Open Heart. However, only women who drank six or more cups of filter coffee had higher blood cholesterol levels.

However, only women who sipped on six or more cups of filtered coffee had higher levels of cholesterol in the blood.

Men and women who had six or more cups of cafetiere coffee or also known as boiled/plunger coffee – also had raised levels compared with those who didn’t.

There didn’t appear to be any risks associated with instant coffee. 

The researchers said: “Because of the high consumption of coffee, even small health effects can have considerable health consequences. Increased knowledge on espresso coffee’s association with serum cholesterol will improve the recommendations regarding coffee consumption.”

Experts who weren’t involved in the study were cautious about its findings.

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They said it may be not the coffee that threatens people’s heart health, but the sugars and milk they put with it and it’s impossible to know whether potential harms are caused by the coffee or other habits that are more common amongst drinkers.

It can be so dangerous for health such as; the obesity, poor diet, lack of exercise, smoking and drinking alcohol.

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June Davison, Senior Cardiac Nurse at the British Heart Foundation, said it's important to remember that this type of research can only show an association and can’t prove cause and effect.

According to him, the findings shouldn't be cause for concern if you like a cup of coffee, for most people, coffee in moderation is fine.

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“But be careful if you like to add flavored syrup or whipped cream, as this can increase your intake of sugar and saturated fat. If you are sensitive to caffeine or you experience palpitations, it's best to reduce the amount you drink." He added. 

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