Hypertension Day 2022, InaSH Explains Hypertension Preventions

Hypertension Day 2022
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VIVA – Today on May 17 is the day of World Hypertension. InaSH or Indonesian Society of Hypertension celebrates this day with the virtual conference press held via Zoom on May 17, 2022. In this event, InaSH explains how to control hypertension risk.

Hypertension or high blood pressure is a common condition in which the long-term force of the blood against artery walls is high enough that it may cause health problems, such as heart disease, cholesterol, or etc.

These virtual conferences press has the same theme as previous years, namely “Meausre Your Blood Pressure, Control It, Live Longer”. This event was hosted by Eugenia Siahaan as Moderator and consisted of some speakers, such as dr Erwinanto, as Chairman of InaSH, dr Eka Harmeiwaty as Deputy Chairman of InaSH, and dr Djoko Wibisono as Secretary general of InaSH.

First, Erwianto explained about the tools commonly used to measure hypertension.

“The following are the tools used to check blood pressure, namely Aneroid and Oscillometric. Aneroid is a tool for measuring blood pressure manually. If Oscillometric is a digital blood pressure measurement tool. It is simpler to use.” said Erwianto. 

He also said that it’s better not to use mercury for checking a blood pressure, because mercury can pollute or damage the earth.

According to him, many patients with hypertension usually like to do their own checks at home. This is commonly known as White-coat Hypertension or locally known as Hypertension "jas putih". The white-coat Hypertension is a blood pressure that is elevated in the clinic but normal when measured outside the clinic using "ambulatory blood pressure monitoring".

“Blood pressure must be controlled because hypertension is a burden on the brain and kidneys. At the people level, hypertension costs a lot of money.” He added.

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Second, Eka Harmeiwaty explained about Hypertension Prevention and Detection with PTDR (Measuring Blood Pressure from Home).

Ilustrasi Hipertensi.

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She also explains about the causes and factors of hypertension, namely Diet and Sleep Issues (high salt intake, poor diet quality, sleep quality, sleep duration), Metabolic Influences (diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and hormones) Energy Imbalances (Overweight or obesity, central adiposity, activity level), Psychosocial Factors (mental health, and socioeconomic level) and other.

“The significant things in controlling hypertension, it's good not to eat too much salt, and exercise enough. So, can’t become obesity.” said Eka.

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According to her, blood pressure has categories in PTDR namely disguised hypertension, hypertension, normal blood pressure and white coat hypertension.

In measuring pressure at home, the patient should be in a quiet room with a good temperature. Before taking the measurement, it’s recommended that the patient don’t smoke, drink coffee or exercise for at least 30 minutes, sit and relax for about 3-5 minutes, don’t speak before, during and between measurements.

Eka also said that it’s better to tell children about hypertension to children than adults.

“It's good to give the hypertension explanation from an early age, because children are easier to remember than adults. It’s more beneficial.”

Third, Djoko Wibisono explains the diagnosis of hypertension and clinical evaluation.

According to him, the purpose of the clinical evaluation is to establishing the diagnosis and degree of hypertension, screen for possible secondary causes of hypertension, identification of factors that contribute to hypertension such as lifestyle, family history, identification of other cardiovascular risk factors (including lifestyle and family history) and etc.

“This high blood pressure can cause dangerous diseases or usually we call it cardiovascular disease, which is a disease that can affect health from head to toe. Therefore, it is important to reduce hypertension, if hypertension decreases, other dangerous diseases such as cholesterol and stroke will also decrease.” Said Dr. Djoko.

Hypertension needs to be controlled because to prevent complications, hypertension control doesn't  only depend on drugs from doctors. But it also needs cooperation, discipline and persistent efforts from hypertensive patients.

Prevention of hypertension in pregnant women can be done by special medicines from the doctors. So, it can save the condition of the mother and her fetus.

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