Bakrie Group Introduces Electric Motorcycle for Women

VIVA Otomotif: Motor listrik besutan Bakrie Group
Sumber :
  • Dok: Bakrie Group

VIVA – Bakrie Group introduced the Model V electric motorcycle on Friday at a market test event in Jakarta. This motorcycle is aimed more at women, and it comes with feminine color choices, namely white, pink, and dark pink.

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"This electric motorcycle is indeed aimed at women, and will be tested directly by the public to get input from the market side," Bakrie Group Marketing Communication and Promotion Manager Budi Kurniawan said in an official statement, quoted on Friday.

Meanwhile, Kurniawan said that related to dealers and leasing parties, his party wanted to get input on what kind of electric motorbikes the market was interested in so far. Then, this input will be taken into consideration to move to the next research and development stage.

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The market test was conducted in two sessions. The first session was conducted by dealers and leasing parties, while the second session was conducted by potential customers, Kurniawan said.

VIVA Otomotif: Motor listrik besutan Bakrie Group

Photo :
  • Dok: Bakrie Group
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In the second session, the electric motorcycle was tested directly by prospective users. As the name implies, Model V is specialized for the women market and is packaged in an event entitled Arisan Motor Listrik.

"From the testimonials and input of prospective users who are all women, we will get good feedback directly on how safe and comfortable this electric motorbike is to ride. That will be very important data for our future development," he added.

The government's effort to accelerate the energy transition by subsidizing the purchase of electric vehicles has been well-received by the public, especially in urban areas. Not only for four-wheeled vehicles, and electric motorcycles are also in demand.

Kurniawan sees the growing trend of electric motorcycles as a big opportunity in the automotive industry. Although considered not yet the main choice of the community, this electric motorcycle is interesting to develop, both in terms of technical mastery and production efficiency, for the market.

"Through this market test or user experience test, we hope to accommodate all the needs of electric motorcycle riders, so that it can be a strong basis for presenting products that can provide a sense of comfort, safety, and ease of driving," he said.

In developing Model V, continued Kurniawan, Bakrie Group is working with educational and business institutions, so that the electric vehicle products produced have reliable and leading-edge technology.

"Bakrie Group will continue to carry out continuous development to provide the best quality products to electric motorcycle users in Indonesia," he explained.

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