Minister Lahadalia Asks Battery Testing Facility Built in Indonesia

Menteri Investasi/Kepala BKPM, Bahlil Lahadalia.
Sumber :
  • VIVA/Mohammad Yudha Prasetya

Jakarta – The Indonesian Investment Minister Bahlil Lahadalia has asked global companies in the field of certification and software testing to build battery testing facilities to support the development of the electric vehicle (EV) ecosystem in Indonesia

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"The demand for electric vehicles in the country will increase over time," Minister Lahadalia stated during a meeting with UL Solutions' senior vice President, of global regions, Todd Denison, in the United States on Monday. 

The Indonesian Government is making efforts to produce EVs that prioritize the safety and security of users.

Bahlil Akui Belum Ada Investor Asing di IKN, Kepala Bappenas: Domestik Kan Banyak

The Investment Ministry is hoping to establish cooperation with UL Solutions to create an EV ecosystem that prioritizes the safety of EV users.

Ilustrasi pabrik baterai mobil listrik.

Photo :
  • Electrek
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"Moreover, the creation of this EV battery ecosystem is also important to reduce the carbon emissions on Earth," Lahadalia said in a statement, on Wednesday. 

Meanwhile, Denison said the potential for the development of the EV ecosystem in Indonesia is quite promising, like in the United States, with a commitment to the clean energy and emission reduction mandate.

UL Solutions supports security over innovations such as EV battery technology. To this day, battery testing facilities in Asia only exist in China, he emphasized. 

The company will further review the potential establishment of battery test points in Indonesia, he informed.

The Indonesian Government has continued to encourage the creation of an EV battery ecosystem through business license facilitation for investors interested in investing in the ecosystem.

Lahadalia said he believes that the advancement of technology should be accompanied by user security.

The discussion between Denison and Lahadalia is expected to proceed to a more serious stage to cover the inking of a cooperation commitment between Indonesia and UL Solutions. 

As information, The United States during the period 2018 to the first quarter of 2023 has realized its investment in Indonesia amounting to US$ 9.4 billion

US investment in the primary sector is dominated by mining at 74 percent, and the remaining 26 percent is filled by secondary and tertiary sectors such as other services; electricity, gas, and water; chemicals and pharmaceuticals; food industry; hotels and restaurants.

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