One Indonesian Family Evacuated After Being Trapped in Gaza

Israel Menyerang Jalur Gaza. Sumber:
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Gaza – The Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi revealed that a family of Indonesian citizens trapped in Gaza was successfully evacuated on Sunday at 6 p.m. local time. 

PBB Masukkan Israel ke 'Daftar Hitam' Negara yang Merugikan Anak-anak dalam Konflik

"One Indonesian family consisting of a husband, two children, and a wife from South Gaza was successfully rescued at 18.00 local time," Minister Marsudi said in a video statement. 

The Indonesian citizen by the name of Hussein is currently in the Egyptian territory along with the evacuation team of the Indonesian Embassy in Egypt, the Minister continued. 

Prabowo Pergi ke Yordania, Dukung Gencatan Senjata dan Two-State Solution Akhiri Konflik di Gaza

Menlu RI, Retno Marsudi

Photo :
  • ANTARA/Yashinta Difa

The Minister also said: "Furthermore, the family was brought to Cairo and prepared to be repatriated to Indonesia,"

Prabowo Subianto Tiba di Yordania, Bakal Bicara di Konferensi Tanggap Darurat Gaza

According to the Foreign Minister, the evacuation process took a long time, "Starting from the name (Hussein) was not on the list, the process of entering the name (Hussein) into the list, took a very long time."

"When the family's name was included in the list, the evacuation could not be carried out because the border was not opened for various reasons in the field," she added. 

Minister Marsudi also explained that this long process shows that the evacuation process is not easy. Nevertheless, the Indonesian Government's efforts continue to be maximized.  

"For almost a week in the Middle East, I continued to communicate with many parties, to make sure they were in good condition, they were on the list, and several times I asked that the border be opened," Minister Marsudi stated. 

Sejumlah Pasien di RS Indonesia di Gaza dievakuasi.

Photo :
  • Dokumentasi MER-C

In addition, Minister Marsudi in Jakarta also continues to communicate. The evacuation team of the Indonesian Embassy in Cairo is also working to ensure that the evacuation can be carried out immediately. 

"There is only one word that can be said, Alhamdulillah," she expressed. 

As information, two Indonesian families have left Gaza and there are still three Indonesian citizens living around the Indonesian Hospital. 

"Until now, the three Indonesian citizens have decided to stay in Gaza. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs continues to communicate with the three through MER-C representatives in Jakarta to ensure their condition is good," Minister Marsudi emphasized. 

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs also appreciates the various assistance and facilitation provided by various parties so that the evacuation process runs well and safely.

Presiden RI terpilih sekaligus Menteri Pertahanan (Menhan), Prabowo dalam forum IISS Shangri-La Dialogue 2024 di Singapura, Sabtu, 1 Juni 2024 (sumber: Tim Media Prabowo)

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Selain gencatan senjata, Menteri Pertahanan Prabowo Subianto juga menawarkan solusi two-state solution untuk mengatasi konflik Israel-Palestina.

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