Everything You Need to Know about International Epilepsy Day

Ilutrasi penderita epilepsi
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Jakarta – International Epilepsy Day sis celebrated every February 12, it's celebrated to fight epilepsy. Because, epilepsy is a condition that can make a person experience repeated seizures.

An epileptic seizure can come all of a sudden and can be highly distressing for the person experiencing it as they aren't in control of the movements, sounds they are making or the sensations they are feeling. 

Epilepsy is a brain disorder that can cause seizures due to abnormal brain activity or temporary changes in the brain's electrical functioning. 

As per American Association of Neurological Surgeons, brain continuously generates tiny electrical impulses in an orderly pattern that travel along the network of nerve cells in the brain. 

Ilustrasi Epilepsi.

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In epilepsy, these electrical rhythms become imbalanced, and the normal electrical pattern is disrupted by sudden and synchronized bursts of electrical energy that may briefly affect their consciousness, movements or sensations. 

According to World Health Organization (WHO), around 50 million people worldwide are affected by epilepsy and India accounts for nearly 10-20 percent (5-10 million) of the global burden of epilepsy. 

About 70 percent of people with epilepsy are able to successfully manage epilepsy seizures with medication and certain types of surgery,

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Causes and symptoms

Epilepsy is a non-communicable disease. Different factors lead to or cause epilepsy. These categories include structural, genetic, infectious, metabolic, immune, and unknown. There are different factors leading to this non-communicable disease. 

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The common reason causing brain damage from prenatal or perinatal reasons like congenital abnormalities or genetic conditions associated with brain malformations. 

There are other things as well which cause head injury, a stroke, certain genetic syndromes and a brain tumour.

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The epilepsy symptoms have the characteristics of seizures depending on the region in the brain where it first began. There are temporary symptoms such as awareness loss or consciousness and movement disturbances, sensation, mood, and other cognitive functions.

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9 Mei 2024