Media and Information

“Information is Like Oxygen”

VIVAnews – Last night, during the grand launching of VIVA and VIVAnews, Minister of Communication M. Nuh talked about the importance of information delivery.

“Information is like oxygen,” he said in opening his speech at Djakarta Theatre, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, Dec. 17.

He said that, like oxygen, everyone needs information and that the issue is the quality of information is being delivered. “It’s just a matter of whether the oxygen is contaminated,” he said.

Further expanding on the analogy, he said that it is important to provide fresh and pure oxygen. “If it was contaminated, we do inhale it, but it would be suffocating,” he continued. Nuh continued to say that he was convinced will provide information that is fresh.

Nuh added that information delivery would of course need freedom, but that such freedom comes with responsibility. The media should not use its freedom to infringe upon individuals’ freedom. “The freedoms will be limited by other freedoms,” he said.

In essence, Nuh continued, the Department of Communication and Information would like to welcome VIVAnews to create and transmit news and information as long as such news and information are beneficial.

Pelatih PSIS Yakin Adi Satryo Bisa Jadi Kiper Utama Timnas Indonesia

Information should be useful for the community, should play a part in education and should be empowering and enlightening. “Education, empowerment and enlightenment used to create Indonesian nationalism, that’s where VIVAnews will play a role,” said Nuh.

PPP dan PKB sepakat kerjasama dengan di Pilkada 2024

PKB dan PPP Tegaskan Bersinergi di Pilkada Serentak 2024, Intip Kesepakatannya

Partai Persatuan Pembangunan (PPP) dan Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa (PKB) telah rampung melakukan pertemuan di DPP PKB, Jakarta Pusat pada Senin, 29 April 2024.

29 April 2024