2009 Elections

Local Leaders to Dominate Parliamentary

VIVAnews - Political researcher at Indonesian Institute of Science (LIPI), Syamsuddin Haris, has predicted that local leaders will dominate the House of Representatives (DPR) in 2009. Parties' elites who do not come from a local area will find it difficult to obtain seats in the parliamentary.

"Because most candidates are actually unknown in some electoral regions," said Haris on Wednesday, Feb. 4.

According to Haris, although the parties' elites are well-known, they will not be automatically elected. "Those who are elected are commonly local leaders, given the assumption that voters do not mark the ballots randomly," said Haris.

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"There will be lesser parties' activists gaining seats in the parliamentary," Haris went on to say.

However, at the regional level, the phenomenon does not have too serious of an impact because the candidates and the constituents are not too distanced.

Haris said this is the consequence of the Constitutional Court's verdict which revoked article 214 of Law No.10/2008 on the Elections, which stipulates that a candidate is elected through largest votes.

Translated by: Bonardo Maulana Wahono

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