Optical Illusion, What You See First Reveals Your Worst Personality

Ilusi optik.
Sumber :
  • yourtango

VIVA – An optical illusion is a fun, and exciting way to stimulate your cognitive abilities and test your visual perception. It is a great exercise to keep you engaged and improve your concentration power.

Different individuals have varied experiences decoding an optical illusion. What you see in an optical illusion may not always be what you interpret. The reality is sometimes far from what you think it is. What's more interesting is that some optical illusions can also determine your personality, depending on the objects you see first or at the end.

Well, here is one picture of an optical illusion that can reveal your worst personality, based on what you see first in this image. This optical illusion image consists of four things: a woman, a stream, a bridge, and a boat.

The first that your eyes spot and focus on can help unravel a lot about you, especially when it comes to identifying your negative traits. This could include determining how narcissistic you are or how much you depend on superficial appearance.

Ilusi optik.

Photo :
  • yourtango

So, figure out what each element in the image means. What did you see first?

The woman

If you saw the woman first, it could mean that you're driven by physical appearances. However, this does not mean you're biased or judgemental towards people depending on how they look but reveals how you become stressed when comparing your physical appearance with others.

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The river

If you saw the river first, it could mean that you focus on and give a lot of importance to social standings.

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The bridge

If you saw the bridge before anything else, this could mean that you lack empathy. Now, this does not describe you as rude or unkind but that you fail to prioritize other people's sadness.

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The boat

If you saw the boat first, then your worst character trait could be that you give yourself a lot of importance, which may sometimes make you overconfident.

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