The Best 5 Halal-Friendly Tourism in Hong Kong

Pariwisata Hong Kong.
Sumber :
  • VIVA/Isra Berlian

VIVA – Travelers from all over the world can now come to Hong Kong freely since the local government lifted all entry restrictions. Hong Kong is ready to present an exciting experience for the tourist, especially for Muslim people. 

Seeing the development of foreign tourists, Hong Kong is now also a Muslim-friendly tourist destination, "Muslim tourism has big potential that we want to provide and facilitate, in fact before and during the COVID-19 pandemic we have also studied Islamic laws and targeted the Muslim community," said HKTB Southeast Asia Marketing Director Martin Gwee at a press conference in Jakarta, on Wednesday. 

To attract foreign Muslim tourists, the HKTB is working to improve various religious facilities at tourist attractions such as providing prayer rooms (Mushola). 

In addition, halal foods are also being certified so that Muslim tourists do not have to feel doubt anymore. Well, here are the best 5 halal-friendly tourism in Hong Kong. 

1. Jamia Mosque

Jamia Mosque di Hong Kong.

Photo :
  • Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB)

This charming mosque is located in the Mid-Levels residential area and was the first mosque in Hong Kong built in the 1840s and continued in 1915. 

Apart from being a place of worship, many tourists come to enjoy the atmosphere of this historic building that stands on a one-hectare plot of land covered with trees. Both Muslims and non-Muslims can visit here.

BCA Fasilitasi UMKM dengan Workshop hingga Sertifikasi Halal Gratis

2. Islamic Centre Canteen

Islamic Centre Canteen, Hong Kong.

Photo :
  • Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB)
Ketua MUI Cholil Nafis Kritik Masjid yang Terima Puluhan Biksu: Ini Kebablasan

Located in the heart of Wan Chai, Hong Kong, the Islamic Centre Canteen is a popular place to enjoy Halal dishes and Dim Sum. The Ammar and Oman Ramju Sadick Islamic Centre is the headquarters of the Incorporated Trustees of the Islamic Community Fund of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Islamic Youth Association. 

The mosque regularly holds workshops every weekend and also conducts Quran reading classes for new converts. Occasionally, the mosque welcomes tours or field trips for school or university students.

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3. Kowloon Mosque

Masjid Kowloon di Hong Kong

Photo :
  • Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB)

Located on Nathan Road, a bustling business area, this 16,000-square-foot mosque has a capacity of 3,500 worshipers at a time. The Kowloon Mosque is also open to non-Muslims. 

4. Halal-friendly KFC Restaurant


Photo :
  • Istimewa

There are two halal-certified outlets of this fast food restaurant in Hong Kong. One restaurant is located at Chung London Plaza (Jordan area) and opened on November 4, 2022. 

And another one at 548 Nathan Road (Mongkok area) which just opened on January 13, 2023. This shows the seriousness of Hong Kong stakeholders in catering to the needs of the Muslim people. 

5. Hong Kong Disneyland

Hong Kong Disneyland Park

Photo :

There are seven different areas in Hong Kong Disneyland with over 100 attractions and entertainment offerings, Disney character parades, and three different themed hotels. Hong Kong Disneyland also has a new castle inspired by 14 different Disney Princesses. 

From June 2022, the castle will also host a new nighttime spectacular show, "Momentous". This show full of magic and light lights up the night sky accompanied by music to form an unforgettable moment for almost 20 minutes. 

This place is especially Muslim-friendly as it is the first Disneyland to have a prayer room and provide halal food at the Tahitian Terrace.

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