AI Never Replace Humans at Work, United Nations Says

Artificial intelligence (AI) atau kecerdasan buatan.
Sumber :
  • Science HowStuffWorks

Jakarta – Artificial Intelligence (AI) probably never replace humans at work, but it just help automate certain duties according to a United Nations study released on Monday local time. 

Generative AI is capable of producing text, images, sounds, animation, 3D models and other data, which can potentially be used to complete or augment certain tasks.

"Most jobs and industries are only partially exposed to automation and are thus more likely to be complemented rather than substituted by AI," the report by the UN's International Labor Organization (ILO) said.

This means that "the most important impact of the technology is likely to be of augmenting work," it continued.

Ilustrasi kecerdasan.

Photo :
  • Edgy Labs

The ILO calculated that 5.5% of jobs in high-income countries are potentially exposed to automation by generative AI, compared to 0.4% of jobs in low-income countries.

Nevertheless, the report found that clerical work was most at risk of being impacted by generative AI.

A quarter of tasks in clerical roles are highly exposed to potential automation, according to the ILO.

Denny JA Pamerkan 188 Lukisan yang Dibuatnya dengan Bantuan AI

This would particularly impact women, especially in wealthier countries.

"Therefore, for policymakers, our study should not read as a calming voice, but rather as a call for harnessing policy to address the technological changes that are upon us," the ILO said.

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[dok. Jajaran Asisten dan Plh Deputi Kemenko Perekonomian, dalam diskusi di kantornya, kawasan Lapangan Banteng, Jakarta Pusat, Rabu, 12 Juni 2024]

Pemerintah Sebut AI Bisa Jadi Ancaman Atau Potensi Lahirnya Bidang Pekerjaan Baru

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12 Juni 2024