Anindya Bakrie Reveals Potential of Indonesian Biodiversity Resources

Anindya Bakrie saat menjadi pembicara dalam forum 'Quitting Coal Turkey: Accelerating the Transition to Clean Energy' Milken Asia Summit 2023 yang digelar Milken Institute di Singapura.
Sumber :
  • Instagram @anindyabakrie

Jakarta – President Director and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Bakrie & Brothers (BNBR), Anindya Novyan Bakrie revealed that ASEAN especially Indonesia has enormous resources that can contribute to sustainability. 

"In terms of biodiversity, Indonesia and ASEAN have enormous resources," Anindya Bakrie said as a speaker at the Hong Kong-ASEAN Summit 2023, on Monday. 

Taman Keanekaragaman Hayati

Photo :
  • Istimewa

"These biodiversity resources include forests, mining land, mangroves, coral reefs, and so on," he continued. 

According to him, "One day, we will know how much carbon credits and carbon sinks Indonesia and ASEAN countries have,"

"We believe the figure will exceed the economic growth figure of US$1.4 trillion, or maybe US$1 trillion from carbon capture by our biodiversity can also be achieved,"

Anindya Bakrie

Photo :
  • IG @anindyabakrie

It's actually pretty equivalent to the rate of inflation reduction set by law in the United States, he informed. 

Demi Capai Komunitas Ekonomi ASEAN, Indonesia Usulkan 2 Strategi

Bakrie also stated: "So, you can imagine how valuable the biodiversity process is for ASEAN, especially Indonesia,"

Mostly, those done by underground miners, combined with above-ground renewable energy management efforts, "Now with technology, you can do almost anything, geothermal, solar, tidal, hydro, and so on,"

Jadi Tuan Rumah Pertemuan Organisasi Petroleum ASEAN, Pertamina Dorong Kolaborasi Ketahanan Energi
Anindya Bakrie bersama Menpora Dito sambangi Rifda Irfanaluthfi

CdM Indonesia di Olimpiade 2024 Paris Tekankan Pentingnya Jaga Mental Atlet

Chef de Mission (CdM) Indonesia di Olimpiade 2024 Paris, Anindya Bakrie menekankan pentingnya menjaga mental para atlet. Apalagi ajang empaat tahunan itu sudah dekat.

7 Juni 2024