Indonesian VP Urges to Stop Israel-Hamas War Immediately

Wakil Presiden Ma'ruf Amin
Sumber :
  • VIVA/Maha Liarosh

Gaza – The Indonesian Vice President (VP) Ma'ruf Amin has urged for an immediate stop to the Israel and Hamas war because thousands of people have died. 

"I think today is more than 4,000 people killed, so it must stop immediately," VP Amin said at the 61st Annual Session of the Asian African Legal Consultative Organization (AALCO) held at Nusa Dua, Bali, on Monday. 

According to the Vice President, the solution that must be implemented for Israel and Palestine is an agreement at the United Nations (UN), or a two-state solution.

"Regarding the issue of resolving these two countries, it still has to be done," 

Serangan udara milter Israel mengancurkan pemukiman Gaza, Kamis, 15/10/2023

Photo :
  • AP Photo/Hatem Moussa

Earlier, the Vice President has highlighted the government's efforts to evacuate 230 Indonesian citizens doing religious tours in Israel when Hamas that runs the Gaza Strip launched a surprise attack on October 7. 

In this case, the Indonesian Foreign Ministry has been preparing measures necessary to evacuate Indonesians from the war-affected region, VP Amin informed. 

Konflik Israel-Palestina

Photo :
  • (Foto AP/Fatima Shbair, File)
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The new armed conflict erupted again following the Hamas surprise attack on Israel on Saturday morning. Prior to the Palestinian liberation fighters' assaults, Israel continued its closure of Gaza crossings.

As more information, it is known, the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has confirmed that there are 134 Indonesian citizens living in the Israel-Palestine conflict zone. The largest number of Indonesians are in Sapir, southern Israel, with 94 Indonesians.

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