Jamu Officially Designated as UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage

Jamu Kunyit Desa Bengkala, Sakuntala.
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Jakarta – Indonesian traditional drink, Jamu, is officially designated as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH). Jamu Health Culture to be included in the UNESCO Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity (ICH).

The determination of herbal medicine to become a UNESCO World Intangible Cultural Heritage was carried out at the UNESCO forum on Wednesday.

The Healthy Culture of Jamu is officially the 13th Indonesian Intangible Cultural Heritage to be included in the UNESCO Cultural Heritage list.

Minister of Education Culture Research and Technology, Nadiem Anwar Makarim expressed his gratitude at the 18th session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage UNESCO in Kasane, Republic of Botswana.

Ilustrasi Penjual jamu

Photo :
  • TVOne

"I would like to thank UNESCO for designating herbal medicine as Intangible Cultural Heritage. This designation will strengthen Indonesia's efforts to protect and develop herbal medicine as a cultural heritage, and contribute to global health and well-being," Makarim said in his official statement.

In addition, the submission of herbal medicine to UNESCO has been carried out in accordance with established standards and rules. The research process has also been carried out by the Jamupedia Research Team, a research and archiving institution for Jamu Healthy Culture, since June 2021

The study involved hundreds of direct actors of the healthy culture of jamu, including jamu gendong sellers, and jamu consumers in four provinces in Indonesia, namely Central Java, Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY), East Java, and DKI Jakarta.

Geopark Raja Ampat, Zamrud Karst Khatulistiwa yang Diakui Dunia

As information, Jamu is one of the traditional medicines inherited from ancestors for generations and is still consumed until today.

So far, the Healthy Culture of Jamu has been consumed by the Indonesian people for prevention, treatment, recovery, and maintenance of health and beauty.

Geopark Ciletuh, Tempat Wisata yang Diakui UNESCO dan Jadi Bukti Munculnya Pulau Jawa
Mooryati Soedibyo

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