Prabowo Reveals How Indonesia to Become Global South Leader

Prabowo-Gibran Debat Ketiga Calon Presiden Pemilu 2024
Sumber :
  • VIVA/M Ali Wafa

Jakarta – Presidential Candidate Number 2 Prabowo Subianto reveals how Indonesia can become a leader of countries in the Southern Hemisphere. 

Pakar sebut Lewat Tangan Dingin Prabowo RI Jadi Negara Paling Konkret Bantu Gaza

He said that the Indonesian government had succeeded in maintaining the inflation rate in the long term. Then, it's also considered that it can maintain economic growth up to the level of Indonesia's trade balance in a row. 

“Indonesia has become a role model for other countries, at least countries in Africa. Some have sent envoys to Indonesia to learn about Indonesia's success in developing and managing the economy," Prabowo said in the Presidential Candidate Debate at Istora. Senayan, Jakarta on Sunday.

Prabowo: Afrika Lihat Indonesia Contoh Keberhasilan Negara Berkembang

These countries have learned from Indonesia in keeping inflation at a low position but economic growth continues and the trade balance remains good.

Prabowo Subianto Debat Ketiga Calon Presiden Pemilu 2024

Photo :
  • VIVA/M Ali Wafa
Prabowo Makan Bareng Jokowi di Istana Sekalian Laporan soal KTT Tanggap Darurat Gaza

"They observed Indonesia's trade surplus which occurred every consecutive year in the last five years," he remarked. 

Prabowo also said: "So, our leadership in the world, in international relations, will be reflected and have an impact on our success in managing wealth, alleviating poverty in our country,"

"Our society acquires technology, and becomes an industrial country, which will make us lead the Southern countries," he added. 

As information, the third debate theme is Defense, Security, International Relations, Globalization, Geopolitics, and Foreign Policy.

Tani Merdeka, organisasi sayap Partai Gerindra mendukung Sudaryono cagub Jateng

Berhasil Menangkan Pilpres, 34 Kelompok Relawan Minta Prabowo Usung Sudaryono di Pilgub Jateng

Sebanyak 34 organisasi relawan Sudaryono dari berbagai unsut di 35 kabupaten/kota se-Jawa Tengah meminta Prabowo segera rekomendasikan Sudaryono sebagai cagub Jateng

16 Juni 2024