Indonesian Weightlifter Successfully Records New History

Eko Yuli Irawan mentas di Asian Games 2023 Hangzhou
Sumber :
  • Dok. Komite Olimpiade Indonesia

Jakarta – The Indonesian male weightlifiter Eko Yuli Irawan successfully made it to the 2024 Paris Olympics after appearing at the International Weightlifting World Cup in Phuket, Thailand, on Tuesday.

Tak Khawatirkan Hasil Minor, Menpora Sebut Indonesia Open 2024 Jadi Pemanasan untuk Olimpiade 2024

The Chairman of the Indonesian Olympic Committee, Raja Sapta Oktohari stated that Eko Yuli Irawan has also made new history as an Indonesian athlete participating in five editions of the Olympics.

"This (Eko Yuli Irawan's qualification for the 2024 Olympics) marks a new milestone for Indonesian sports where one athlete competes in five editions of the Olympics or achieves a quintrick," Oktohari said in a statement, Jakarta on Wednesday.

Jokowi Sebut Kualitas Udara Jakarta Paling Parah Usai Membandingkan Dengan Kota Lain di Dunia

The 34-year-old weightlifter successfully completed a snatch of 133 kilograms, but he did not complete the clean and jerk lift perfectly due to lingering knee injury issues.

Eko Yuli Irawan mentas di Asian Games 2023 Hangzhou

Photo :
  • Dok. Komite Olimpiade Indonesia
IISI Dibangun di Lahan 2,5 Ha di IKN, Anindya Bakrie Ungkap Siap Kolaborasi dengan Station F Paris

Eko's qualification for the Paris 2024 Olympics adds to his record of participating in the world's highest sporting event five times.

Earlier, Eko has also contributed bronze and silver medals at the Beijing 2008 Olympics, the London 2012 Olympics, the Rio de Janeiro 2016 Olympics, and the Tokyo 2020 Olympics.

Oktohari remarked that the Indonesian Olympic Committee (KOI) welcomes Eko's qualification for the Paris Olympics with joy. 

"Congratulations and this is an extraordinary achievement for Indonesia through Eko's quintrick performance at the Olympics," he expressed.

He stated that Eko's consistency in delivering his best deserves appreciation and should serve as motivation for other athletes in the country.

Furthermore, Oktohari mentioned that weightlifting has never disappointed Indonesia because it has always been a sport that consistently sends representatives and contributes medals at the Olympics.

Oktohari also appealed for support from the Indonesian people so that weightlifting athletes can contribute gold medals at the 2024 Paris Olympics.

"Hopefully, in Paris 2024, we can break through for a gold medal," he concluded.

KOI noted that so far, eight athletes have been confirmed to qualify for the Paris Olympics, namely Eko Yuli Irawan, archery athletes Arif Dwi Pangestu and Diananda Choirunisa, sport climbing athletes Desak Made Rita Kusuma Dewi and Rahmad Adi Mulyono, gymnast Rifda Irfanaluthfi, shooter Fathur Gustafian, and surfer Rio Waida.

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Ratusan pengunjuk rasa di Swiss menuntut agar Israel dilarang berkompetisi di Olimpiade 2024 di Paris, di tengah tuduhan genosida, yang sedang berlangsung di Gaza.

13 Juni 2024