United Nations Warns Israel Should Not Attack Hospital in Gaza

Ilustrasi Dewan Keamanan PBB
Sumber :
  • AP Photo/John Minchillo

Gaza – The United Nations on Friday called of full respect for international law, and emphasizing that hospitals should not be targeted in combat, following reports of an Israeli airstrikes on the main gate of Al-Shifa HospItal in Gaza City. 

In response to a question by an Anadolu reporter about whether the UN is working on a plan to enforce international law and prevent Israel from targeting health facilities. 

"We continue to call for the full respect of International law, which includes the point that hospitals should not be used in any part of combat," the UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric said. 

Juru bicara PBB Stephane Dujarric

Photo :
  • ANTARA/un.org

Dujarric stated that the United Nations had previously called for the respect of international humanitarian law in conflicts such as those in Ukraine and Sudan, stating, "In none of these cases is the United Nations the one with the fingers on the trigger."

When asked about the UN's actions beyond calling for a halt to hostilities or condemning brutalities, Dujarric clarified that he can only speak for the UN secretary-general.

Serangan rudal Israel menghancurkan wilayah Utara Jalur Gaza

Photo :
  • AP Photo/Mohammed Dahman

"We continue to call this and continue to push it publicly and continue to push it privately. There are other parts legislative parts in the UN, that could be doing more to see to ensure an end to this conflict," Dujarric explained. 

Komandan Senior Hizbullah Terbunuh dalam Serangan Rudal Israel ke Lebanon

On Friday, an Israeli bombing targeted ambulances in front of the main gate of Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City, resulting in the death of several Palestinians and the injury of many others.

Hizbullah Gempur Markas Besar Tentara Israel
Illustration of Israel-Hamas war

Temuan PBB soal Perang di Gaza: Hamas dan Israel Terbukti Lakukan Kejahatan Perang

Penyelidikan PBB mengenai beberapa bulan pertama perang di Gaza menemukan bahwa Israel dan Hamas terbukti melakukan kejahatan perang.

12 Juni 2024