Uncovering Little-known Facts about Mother's Day

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Jakarta – Mother's Day is an annual celebration on December 22, that dedicated to honoring the incredible women who have fulfilled our lives with love and sacrifice. 

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This day is a reminder to cherish and celebrate the profound influence these extraordinary women have had on our lives. Well, there are some facts about Mother's Day. Read below to know more. 

The modern Mother's Day celebration originated in the United States in the early 20th century, thanks in part to the efforts of Anna Jarvis. She campaigned for a day to honor mothers and their contributions.

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Anna Jarvis is often considered the founder of Mother's Day in the United States. She held a memorial for her mother in 1908 and subsequently campaigned to make Mother's Day a recognized holiday.

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Then in 1914, President Woodrow Wilson signed a proclamation designating the second Sunday in May as Mother's Day, making it an official national holiday in the United States.

Mother's Day is celebrated on various dates around the world. While many countries celebrate it on the second Sunday in May, others have different dates and traditions to honor mothers.

It's a day dedicated to honoring and appreciating mothers, mother figures, and maternal bonds. Families often show their love and gratitude by giving gifts, cards, flowers, or spending quality time together.
When celebrate the Mother's Day, different cultures have their own unique ways of celebrating Mother's Day. Some countries incorporate specific customs, ceremonies, or events to honor mothers and motherhood.

Over time, Mother's Day has become a highly commercialized holiday, with the sale of greeting cards, flowers, gifts, and special promotions in stores and restaurants.

Meanwhile, some people celebrate Mother's Day by honoring women who have had a significant impact on their lives, such as grandmothers, aunts, sisters, or close friends who have played a maternal role.

For those whose mothers have passed away, Mother's Day can also be a time to honor their memory and the lasting influence they had on their lives.

Mother's Day serves as a reminder to express appreciation and gratitude for the love, sacrifices, and support that mothers provide throughout their lives.


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