Beauty and the Beast

Emma Watson Beberkan Busana Ramah Lingkungan di Filmnya

Emma Watson
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  • REUTERS/Mario Anzuoni – Tidak hanya menghilangkan korset, tapi Emma Watson juga mengenakan busana ramah lingkungan dalam film Beauty and the Beast. Aktris berusia 26 tahun ini mendedikasikan dirinya untuk memakai fesyen berkelanjutan atau sustainable fashion.

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Dan belum lama ini, pemeran Belle itu berbagi foto busana ramah lingkungan lainnya dalam akun The Press Tour di Instagram. Akun tersebut kini sudah memiliki pengikut hampir setengah juta orang.

Watson memakai busana ramah lingkungan selama tur promosi film terbarunya tersebut. Bahkan, dia juga memakai gaun ramah lingkungan dalam film ikonik tersebut.

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Eco Age dan Disney berkolaborasi menciptakan busana yang 100 persen ramah lingkungan. Penampilannya dalam balutan gaun ramah lingkungan dalam film itu pun sangat menakjubkan.

Soal busana tersebut, dia berbagi semua detailnya di media sosial. "Bagian cape terbuat dari wol tradisional Inggris dari tahun 1970, yang dibeli di sebuah pameran vintage," tulis dia, seperti dilansir dari Huffington Post.

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Sementara jaket dibuat dari kain tenun buatan tangan dari tahun 1960, yang dibeli di eBay. Sedangkan rok sutra berwarna off-white yang dikenakannya mendapat sertifikat dari Fair Trade dan diproduksi oleh kelompok kecil penenun tangan di Kamboja.  

"Dan sepatu diproduksi menggunakan teknik lingkungan yang paling canggih dan bebas bahan berbahaya," tulis dia.


Belle’s red dress and cape in @beautyandthebeast was a special ethical costume that we put together with @ecoage, Oscar-winning costume designer Jacqueline Durran and @disney ???????? The cape was made from upcycled, traditionally woven British Jacob’s wool from around 1970, bought at a vintage fair. The fabric was overdyed using natural dyes, and the lining was made from paperlike Tussah silk. The jacket was made using hand-woven linen from the 1960s sourced from eBay, overdyed using low impact dyes. The fabric was from an old school project and was hand woven in the UK, and came with original labels and dates of manufacture. The blue and red stripe lining was sourced from a wonderful Indian supplier, who hand weaved and herbal dyed this GOTS certified organic cotton. The apron was made from a GOTS certified organic linen. The pattern was hand painted by London based artist Oliver Kilby, who also hand painted accessories for Belle’s other costumes. The off-white Peace Silk taffeta for the top skirt is Fair Trade certified and produced by a small hand-weaving unit in Cambodia. The edge facing fabric was made of the same silk, naturally dyed with madder, and printed using a hand block technique. The main GOTS certified organic cotton for the underskirt is overdyed with low impact dyes. The hide for the boots was produced using the most advanced environmentally respectful techniques such as chrome-free tanning, and solvent-free finishing. The front panel of the bodice was made from hand woven nettle, local communities harvest wild nettles in altitudes ranging from 1200m to 3000m, processing the fibres using traditional methods. The brown and beige stockings are made from organic cotton and hemp, a fibre which can be grown without pesticides or herbicides.

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Emma Watson.

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